Food Confessions - Food, Emotion, and finding your authority

Nov 02, 2021

You open the fridge, you see the cupcakes, you’re tired - it’s been a long day, you decide to just eat one, then you feel terrible.  WHY would I eat that at 10pm??  Now the one next to it starts to look really good - and you know where it goes from here.

Whit and Jake do it too - we eat refined sugar, empty calories, the foods that make our joints hurt or make us feel bloated ...and we do it because it is just such an easy way to feel a little bit better.

But the story doesn’t have to end there.  When you experience this, it is NOT the final nail in the coffin or the straw or the camel’s back.  It’s part of being a human being and it doesn’t have to stop you from reaching your health goals.  You don’t even have to punish yourself to get “back on track” ...there’s no track.  It’s a metaphor.  It’s an analogy. 

And we’ll be teaching you (or just reminding you) how to navigate this part of human-ness on November 11th at 7pm Central.  Sign up right here:

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