$575.00 USD

12 monthly payments

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12 Month Back Pocket Coaching with Jake Monthly

We're in this together now!!

You're an Elite player in this game called "life" and you want elite coaches.

Now, you have a coach who is "on call", part of your team, and on the go WITH you. 

You can use back pocket coaching for quick perspective, you're in a bind, a bad event just happened, or want some friendly accountability.

What you'll get:

  • Check ins, wins, and self reflection
  • Continued conversation via text or voxer - your preferred style.
  • 1 on 1 phone calls as needed - we can schedule them as we go.
  • Access to the coaching staff - both and Whit and Jake will be involved in your journey behind the scenes & front stage as needed

Don't hesitate to use this service, as often as you need it. We're honored to be in your back pocket!