Episode #40 Become a Fanatical Fan of YOURSELF

I've played in a lot of sporting events both home and away. I've felt the difference between support and heckling. As a 5-9 inch volleyball player, the wasn't one away game I played where I didn't hear some variation of, "Hey number 7, the NCAA agreed to a new rule this year, you're allowed to stand up!!!"
Now, of course, you learn to not only survive, but thrive in that environment, but a "home court advantage" is discussed for a reason - it's just easier to show up under pressure when you're being supported vs verbally attacked.
Since we KNOW this is true and we WANT to show up well in our own lives, we always support ourselves ...right? Of course not, that would make too much sense. Instead, we obsess on our shortcomings, live in fear of failure, doubt ourselves, then chastise ourselves mercilessly when let ourselves down.
What if you could stop doing that? What if you could recognize that this is a pivotal moment in the game and this is when the fans will play a crucial role in the outcome - and then HAVE YOUR OWN BACK!!!
That's what this 4 part series is all about - Check it out!!