You've Got to Believe it to See it

"I'll believe it when I see it" - we've all thought it, we've probably all said it, but what if the entire premise is wrong.
Every time I've tried to chase down a scary goal or make a big change in my life I do a risk/reward or cost/benefit analysis in my head. Ultimately I come to the same conclusion - if the result was guaranteed by certain date and come a certain way, then the goal wouldn't be scary. The scary part is all the risk and all the reward have to be put in up front and reward is "out there" somewhere.
One thing I know for sure - if I DON'T put in the work I will FOR SURE miss out on the reward. So the conclusion is this ..."I need to see it to believe it." is a cop out. It's a trick that our lizard brain uses to keep us safe and comfortable. The truth is that we need to believe it FIRST, then we'll take the actions that will allow us to see it.
How do you do that? Step one = listen to the podcast ...the rest is in there :)
Today is the day to take a small step in the right direction and start your transformational journey! Schedule your breakthrough session here: