Episode #55 Story Time: The Story you Tell about You - Part 3

In this episode, I asked Whitney about the difficulty she found while she was still living in one story, but attempting to write ...and BELIEVE a new one. She came up with insightful defense mechanisms that her brain used to keep her safe and stuck.
Thoughts like:
"What are you trying to do, PRETEND that events from your past didn't really happen?"
"You're just a broken person pretending to be strong - you're being fake."
"Sure, things are going well now, but how long can it really last? Do even deserve any of this progress?"
Whitney got me thinking about some powerful thoughts that she used to counteract these thoughts and validate the NEW thoughts she was practicing in order to get NEW results in her life.
"I thought the victim Whitney was real because the scars were real, but it turns out that my victim-hood was a costume I was wearing to cover up those scars ...to cover up the truth. Taking off that costume was terrifying, but now I can see that those scars prove I'm a warrior."