The Trip that Altered Me Forever

I don’t know about you, but when I see people who surf, climb mountains or seek out challenges that require facing fear and discomfort- I WANT what they have, but I tell myself “it’s just not MY thing. “
That spirit of adventure, courage, and freedom is so attractive to me.
Of course, a lot of people WANT to be “good” at surfing but if you had the opportunity to surf, just for the experience of it, would you go?
I like to think I would, so I tested it out.
Two and a half years ago, I finally sought out a trip like this.
I had recently made a life-altering choice to give up alcohol. It was a decision, I made willingly in order to pursue my dreams more seriously and become the woman I knew those dreams would require me to be.
When I discovered a surf trip was a possibility, there were a lot of reasons I thought it "wasn’t for me”.
For one, it was last-minute plus it was in a different country, El Salvador.
I’d never been before and I’d be traveling alone …to say it required courage is an understatement, this was a complete leap of faith.
I decided to go- completely unsure of what to expect, I was taking the leap!
As I got on my flight I felt a lot of uncertainty and full of fear.
I knew the story I’d been telling myself was holding me back. It prevented me from breaking free from the chains that kept me stuck, but that story felt so believable.
Suddenly, the thought of staying safe in my apartment sounded quite tempting.
There was no way for me to know it at the time, but that trip ended up being the perfect storm of fear, discomfort, faith, courage, and adventure that I needed in order to come back a changed woman.
I’ve always heard of people having experiences like this …adventures that change them, but I was surprised to discover it wasn’t ONE particular event that made it life-changing. It was the combination of it all- the entire trip.
To say the least, it was incredible.
I bravely traveled alone, to a foreign country, where I didn’t speak their language.
It felt risky and some may even argue unsafe, but it taught me so much about myself and I began to build a better relationship with ME.
While I was there, I got to learn to do exactly what I sought out to experience.
I surfed.
Not only did I get to try the sport, but I got to practice with professionals, who taught me tips and encouraged me to keep going even when I didn’t feel like it.
I was full of fear and excitement all at once- it was one of the best feelings in the world.
When I got back to Texas, I couldn’t believe it, I did it.
I had become that person. The person I admired, who was adventurous, courageous, and free.
There was a new confidence in me. A different story I got to tell myself about the type of person I was.
It gave me a fearlessness that I didn’t know existed inside of me.
Today, as I reflect back on how I was able to be so courageous and grow so much from that experience, there are a few things that come to mind.
Going on this trip, required me to FIRST believe it was possible for me to successfully go.
Then, it required me to take massive action; I had to arrange my travel, pay for it all, and have the courage to do it ALONE.
Also, I had to take time to reflect, face those inner- demons that tell me “I’m not capable”, and be inspired by my future.
Finally, it required me to fail at surfing, over, and over, and over, so I could learn and get better.
The inner change I gained did involve some tears, but it all happened so fast and I couldn’t believe how fun it was!!
I was blown away by it all, including the culture and breath-taking views that I got to experience.
It was a gift I gave myself that I’m incredibly grateful for every day.
When I look back, I can see how it was a huge linchpin to the change I needed to make in order to live my dreams and become that woman – that woman who goes, that woman who lives large!
Now, in our company, my husband and I get to take a small group of people on this same trip, so they can overcome the things that hold them back.
Except for this time, we’ll be guiding them with our own mindset tools to be courageous, to reflect, and to let go of the things that hold them back.
They get to do this while learning how to surf from professionals, hiking to a beautiful rainforest, and laying out by the pool.
It’s an experience that has no age limits and endless opportunities to grow into your greater potential.
Are you ready?