Confessions of a Recovering Striver



Whit's Adventures and Blog


Welcome, friend! I'm Whitney Roehl, I'm a recovering Striver. What is a striver?


For me, it was constantly aiming for perfection, relying on my own ambition, strength, and ability. As a Christian, I'd ask God for help but He was my last resort, not my first. Nothing was ever "good enough"I constantly needed to do more, to have more.

I felt empty and exhausted.


When, I finally got to the end of myself, Jesus crashed in with His personable love.

Since then, I've repented of being self-sufficient, constantly striving. Now, I live surrendered. Join me, on this journey.


Discouragement: How I Overcame the Urge to Quit Jan 30, 2024

Oh my goodness, I almost quit on a dream I've had for 15 years now. Gosh, that's scary!

A dream, God put on my heart, as an invitation to deepen my trust and intimacy with Him, but it didn't look the way I assumed it would. I spent countless days wrestling with was this question, "If this...

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